How to Maintain Period Hygiene

by Ishitaa Sachdeva on September 29, 2020

Taking care of proper hygiene during menstruation is very important. A little negligence in maintaining proper hygiene can lead to grievous harm and by not maintaining proper hygiene you can also spread the infection to others.

Pick an appropriate method of period management.

When it comes to menstrual hygiene, different requirements entail different methods of period management. If you are active/ frequently partaking in water activities, for example, a tampon may be a better option for you as compared to sanitary pads.

If you cannot change your period product for an extended period or are ecologically conscious, you may want to use a menstrual cup that can be worn for up to twelve hours.

It is vital to undergo the process of trial and error to find which period product is right for you before sticking to one based on hearsay.

Once you have explored each product’s pros and cons, you will be able to menstruate comfortably with a product conforming to your needs.

Change your sanitary pad or tampon regularly.

To avoid bacterial growth, allergies, rashes, or the fatal and rare disease toxic shock syndrome, change your pad or tampon every four to six hours depending on your flow.

Make sure you are always carrying a pad or a tampon if you are leaving the house in the case of an emergency, or sometimes, to help someone unprepared out.

Do not try to internally clean/ douche your vaginal canal.

The vaginal canal is self-cleaning, and as such, no internal cleaning is required. Attempting to clean the vaginal canal may lead to irritation or pH imbalance, causing a yeast infection.

Instead, clean the vulval or external region with soap and water; you may try vaginal washes if you need one. Shower regularly and keep yourself fresh down there to prevent any kind of infection or irritation. 

Wear comfortable/ breathable underwear

Wearing synthetic underwear during your period is not only uncomfortable, but it increases health risks by causing rashes and trapping bacteria.

Consider using breathable organic cotton underwear combined with organic cotton pads to make sure that harmful plastics and absorbents from synthetic pads are not causing you discomfort.

Dispose of your period products correctly.

If you are using disposable pads or tampons, preferably incinerate them. If this is not possible, wrap them in compostable packagings like cotton bags or paper and throw them away in dry waste to protect waste workers from the risk of infections from biohazard waste. Do not ever flush a sanitary pad in the toilet.

Choose your period partner judiciously. And stay safe. Raho safe.