Once your order has been placed, you will receive an auto-generated email and a text message. Your order ID and estimated delivery time will be provided.
Can I modify my details after placing the order?
You have a maximum of 6 hours to change your shipping details or your contact information. You can write to us at care@peesafe.com for more assistance.
Can the order be modified after placing one already?
Unfortunately, you won't be able to modify your order once you've already placed it. However, you can always place a new one. We're easy and quick.
How long do I have to wait for my order?
Our delivery is quite fast. We take 3-5 business days to deliver your order.
Are there any charges for a Cash on delivery Order?
Cash on Delivery is not available.
Can I cancel my order?
yes, you can. Write to us at care@peesafe.com to do the same.
Can an item be exchanged or refunded for?
Once delivered, we don't have a return or exchange policy. However, If the item delivered is defected or if we've delivered a wrong item by accident, then your items will be replaced at the earliest. A refund is only applicable for orders which weren't delivered to the customer.